Did you ever wonder when taking road trips about the goings on of those traveling the same road?
Or, of those who live in the town you are going through?
I often wonder when I see the other drivers going to and fro where they are going or coming from.
Are they traveling on vacation? Where is their destination?
Are they moving from one location to another to start new roots?
Are they on their way to or from work? Where do they work and what do they do?
Are they shopping?
Are they just out and about for no other reason other than they can be?
Are they happy? Sad? Angry? Angry that they are being inundated with excess traffic?
Are they kind? Or are they of the unpleasant sort?
I wonder these things and then some. But I think mostly I wonder about the folk living in the area we are traveling through, especially at night when you can see the town lit up.
I wonder if they are cozy and warm, or cool and relaxed, in their homes?
Are they sitting at the dinner table discussing the day's events?
Are they zoned out in front of the TV?
Are children running through the house ~ or getting their baths before bedtime?
Are they already nestled in bed?
Are families happy and chattering, or are they angry and bitter, torn apart by life's events?
Is someone where they're not suppose to be or doing something they're not suppose to be doing?
Maybe they are getting ready to start their shift at work for the evening.
Are they lost in the chaos of this world or do they know their purpose and live accordingly?
I wonder these things all the time when I travel. It seems when you leave what is familiar to you, you enter a foreign country. But the raw truth is: people are pretty much the same everywhere. They work, they play, they laugh, they cry, they plan, they clean, they fuss at their children, they are kind, they hug, and they love. They get angry and feel pain and disappointment.
They are, as I am, after all, mere human beings.