Just a few moments ago as I was checking my email, the home news page had "Punxsutawney Phil" from PA on it and I made mention it was Ground Hog's Day. Guess who is sitting by me? You've got it. Helena. So long story short:
Just as I make mention of the little guy, he comes on TV and Pop-pop calls her in there to see him. She of course wants to know about this ground hog that she imagines in our zoo and why he's "there". So I, being the wiser one (or so I thought), explained to Ms. Einstein that he predicts the weather. And in her matter-of-fact voice, as she looks me in the eye, she says:
"I thought God predicted the weather."
It certainly is difficult trying to explain a fun iconic symbol with such a dubious task to a practical 5 year old who wisely credits everything to God! I proceed to tell her he really doesn't - we are just playing - like a game - hmmm. . . . not so easy . . . . the right words eluded me, but she got my drift.
So starts my morning - blessings do come in small packages and at the most unexpected times! :)
By the way - six more weeks of bad weather ~ according to "Punxsutawney Phil" ;)
Screaming Banshee
7 years ago
and coffeeless at that mom... i don't know how you do it.... BTW: her smarts come from me ;)