It surely seems, as of late anyway, that when we get showers, I get blessings. Today was no different. As the result of one person doing a kind deed for someone else, I got a blessing as well.
I don't usually get "coffee company". But this morning I did! !
Divine Di stopped by on her way home from dropping some kiddos off at school here in the great metropolis of Hebron. It was so nice just to sit and sip coffee (chocolate flavored, none-the-less), chat, laugh, feel sad, understand, not understand, relate to, agree with, listen, interject, advise, take advice . . . . . . . I think you get the picture. It was just plain nice. No. Lovely. A blessing.
On a rainy day - a Monday - a good day.
These kind of blessings are surely the silver linings in the gray, drab clouds!
Thank you, Diane.
Screaming Banshee
7 years ago
Thank you, Barb, for your listening heart..your sweet spirit & being a dear Friend who just happens, ahem, to like chocolate... It was a morning well spent...It made the rainy day a bit brighter in my mind's eye..