Monday, May 20, 2013

Happy Day to Me!

I know ~ doesn't make a bit of sense, yet it's the most logical of sensible things to me.  No, I can't explain that statement.  Let's just roll with it, shall we?

I gifted myself something for Mother's Day.  Yes, I know, Mother's Day was just over a week ago. I'm a busy mama.  So, work with me here.

Boney Ol' Bugger, U.B., Ernest, Bing, ~ AKA:  BOB ~ took me antiquing for Mother's Day.  I love looking at old things, seeing how I am an old thing, and I feel right at home in those smelly ol' stores ~ I am, however, NOT smelly.  Let's just set that straight from the get-go. I am so inclined to come home and shower off the residue those buildings seem to impart on me.  

I usually just browse ~ if you've known me long enough, you know browsing is one of those things I love to do. It's a relative of window shopping (in case you didn't know that) and I love doing that too.
Neither costs a dime and my imagination gets to play all kinds of decorating games.  I love "free" and anything "practically free".  So, I was thrilled beyond thrilled when I stumbled upon my find!

A long, long time ago, Heidi Jane and I entered a contest on Susan Branch's blog (love her blog).  It was for a vintage banana bowl.  Can we just say: "Ooooo, Ahhhh."?  It was a shiny, crystally one.  Yep, all sparkly and saying my name. And if you know me, anything glass, especially clear, sparkly glass, makes me weak in the knees.  It was an anxious wait ~ mainly because Heidi Jane is the Queen of Contest Winners and I just knew she was going to get that thing.  But that was alright by me .  She is part of my Aaron and Hur team and I'm a thinkin':  "What's Hurs is mine!"  tee-hee   But, alas, neither of us won it.  tsk, tsk

But it never really left my mind.  I stalked banana bowls on E-bay and antique stores.  They range from pricey, to very, very pricey.  I didn't need one THAT badly.  But, it never left my mind.

So ~ as I was browsing Season's Best Antique store downtown I ran upon an item that made me stop in my tracks (other items just slowed me down a bit).  Stop dead, I did, glued to the price tag on an item that never really left my mind. Glued.  Could it be?  A typo perhaps?  Or more likely, I needed to put my glasses on to read the fine print.   Oh, by golly, it was true!  There in front of me sat a sparkly, shiny, crystal clear banana bowl.  For. . . . . . . . a whole whopping seven dollars and fifty cents! That's right!  Seven point five zero!   Can we just do a jig right now?  I picked that baby up, held her tight to me ~ you know, just in case, and headed straight for check out, only to play "Eye Spy" on the way out.  I spied a lot, but no time for stopping, you know, just in case.  Not in case I changed my mind, but in case someone realized there might need to be a price check on "Isle Getaway!".  But at check-out, the cashier assured me the price was right, but not without making a comment on it being pretty and at such a good price.  "Just hurry up buddy so I can get my find out of this store." I'm thinking.  And let's say, I didn't waste any time getting to the car.  There's a first time for everything!  Bob was even asking if I was sure I was done.  Now, THAT'S a FIRST! ! !

All shiny and sparkly!  I love her.

Doing what she does best.
I must really thank the booth owner for marking such a lovely thing
at such a lovely price!  Just. For. Me.

 Happy Day to ME!


  1. You win!!! It's lovely!! Congrats and may it hold many bunches of bananas in its pure shiny elegance!!

  2. I love this! I know exactly what you felt finding your treasure. It is intoxicating! Oh, that we lived near each other to go on exciting treasure hunts together...but, alas, virtual will have to do. Your banana bowl is delightful!


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i'm a wife, a mom, a mom-mom, a sister, an aunt, a cousin, a friend...i'm a child of God.... i love to read, scrap, and sew (all when time permits!)... i like trying new things, going to different places, even if only in my mind....i like simple, but life is complicated....i like spring days, snow storms, thunderstorms, and big puffy clouds you can make things out of....i like coffee, tea and iced chocolate milk you can sip thru a straw..........