My next door neighbor, Tim, gave me a ring on the horn yesterday to tell me he had cut some Camellias before frost gets them and left them at my back door. I practically hung up on the man I was so excited! They are simply gorgeous! He has some of the loveliest flowers in his yard. The girls and I just drool over them. Sometimes he gives me cuttings of plants he's growing. Ahhhh, yes. THIS is one of many things that makes a good neighbor. Yep.
Now if you know where I live you may ask: "Pray tell, why do you have a six foot privacy fence surrounding your back yard then?" Simple: I don't want some little tyke eyeballing my pool in the middle of summer and simply be unable to resist the urge to take a dip. There could be nothing worse than some Mama's baby drowning in said pool (any age is a "Mama's baby"). THIS is when good fences make good neighbors.
In our neighborhood, good fences = a happy Heath ;) Love that doily by the way!