Anyone with a child under the age of
Try it ~ set the timer for one minute and see how it goes. For me these are a few of the things that I can
1. Go to the bathroom.
2. Run up the stairs with a folded load of laundry and back down again with a dirty load.
3. Wash your hands and fill a cup of milk and a baggie of snacks for the those unfortunate babes dying of hunger.
4. Reheat - for the third time - a cup of coffee.
5. Sweep/vacuum up breakfast/lunch crumbs.
6. Change a diaper ~ for squirmy, unco-operative tots
7. Fix a sandwich
9. Pick up Lego's for the umpteenth-hundredth time
10. Send older kids out the door in a flurry for school ~ with all their belongings in tow.
11. Shoot a text to someone ~ pecking one letter at a time. It's amazing how quickly you can
12. Load/unload the dishwasher/washer/dryer ~ sometimes these are in steps ~ if you DON'T want any help from a tiny tot.
13, And sometimes ~ write on your blog.
14. But most importantly ~ one can pray ~ for a multitude of things ~ like the thirteen things listed above and the gazillion not.
You are sooo right! I am about to change a poopy diaper and i am gonna challenge myself. One minute or less! :)