Wednesday, September 26, 2012

It's the Middle of the Week

It's the middle of the week.  A middle pretty much like any other.  Today, like many other middles, is beautiful.  The sun is shining, the wind's a blowin', the temperature is comfortable and all seems right with the world.  It is Fall, after all.

I say that now, as I sit here with my third cup-o-joe (the gnats claimed my second cup ~ sly little buggers!) and my oatmeal.  I know from past experience that that can change in the blink of an eye, or, by a puddle left behind by Baby Girl.  Oh yea, we are ~ dare I say it ~ potty training.  She seems to have her own agenda for this task and has yet to clue me in.  Some days are easy-peasy, others ~ can I just say ~  "I'm tempted to bang my head into the wall."?   Yes, yes I am.  But then things settle ~ only after I have a chat with God and am reminded that she's just itty bitty and that this too shall pass (hopefully in the toilet and not on my floor).  I know all too well that tomorrow I will look back and she will be in school, and a week from now, going to college.  I know it.  I see the evidence every day.  Sense a little nostalgia here?  Yea, me too.

Well, going to finish me eats, and me java, and go look at quilt pieces and ponder what to do and ask twenty-one million times:  "Do you need to go to the bathroom?". 

And. . . .

I'll see YOU in the funny papers!

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i'm a wife, a mom, a mom-mom, a sister, an aunt, a cousin, a friend...i'm a child of God.... i love to read, scrap, and sew (all when time permits!)... i like trying new things, going to different places, even if only in my mind....i like simple, but life is complicated....i like spring days, snow storms, thunderstorms, and big puffy clouds you can make things out of....i like coffee, tea and iced chocolate milk you can sip thru a straw..........