Friday, December 3, 2010

Happy Birthday, Sam!

Well, I know you're a grown man and all, but I just can't help myself sometimes.
I hope I have only mildly embarrassed you! BTW - snagged the original pic from Bek's
FB album, so technically, you can blame her!
Have a wonderful birthday!
I love you
Aunt Crickett
PS - Congrats on the change in work status!

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i'm a wife, a mom, a mom-mom, a sister, an aunt, a cousin, a friend...i'm a child of God.... i love to read, scrap, and sew (all when time permits!)... i like trying new things, going to different places, even if only in my mind....i like simple, but life is complicated....i like spring days, snow storms, thunderstorms, and big puffy clouds you can make things out of....i like coffee, tea and iced chocolate milk you can sip thru a straw..........