Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Summer 2012 ~ Part 1

Well, summer is nearly at an end ~ as far as time off is concerned.  It really doesn't end 'til mid September, but school starts here in just a few short days, and for all intents and purposes, summer is almost over.  So I'd better get busy and re-cap these past few months ~ which by the way, flew by at the speed of light!  Can I just say:  "Whoa, Nelly!"

We started our summer going to KY to see our clan there.  We had two special reasons to go this trip (not counting the love we have for that gang).  First was to celebrate Baby A's first birthday! And secondly to see our oldest grandie-girl graduate!   But as we all know, life has a way of throwing a monkey wrench in our junk!   Ol' Bessy, I think, is on her last leg.  I'm prayin' for a merciful death only after we have replaced her!

This is how the first half of our 12 hour journey looked:
Poor Bob.  It was a bad waiting game for a man with little to no patience.
We spent as much time waiting for her to cool down as we did driving it seemed. Oh the glory of it all. Not much to do other than snap a few shots of the beauty of the area. We were stopped at a popular rest stop to "cool down". I-68 is a pass cut thru the mountains and the rest stop is a dedicated Vietnam War Memorial

The Rest Stop

You can walk up a million steps to the walk over.  I've gone up the
steps before, but didn't have the guts to cross over the interstate below!
The interstate with the mountain on each side.  Quite breath taking, and
quite intimidating!

Felt like you could see for miles! Well, actuall, you can. It is
breathtaking to say the least.  It makes my heart yearn for home.

We made a couple more "necessary" stops before we got to KY.  All in all we did okay.  It was what it was.

Once we arrived in the land of horses, we hit the ground running, and working (to fix Ol' Bessy) and playing, and running some more. 

Presents first.  While we're still clean.

 Um  . . . . see the tears running down her chest?  We were taking
waaay too long!  Ah, but notice the eyes.  Oh yea.  Something's
getting ready to happen.

Only when you're one can you get away with this!!  I believe she even had it up her little nose!

Let's take a breath. Pick up fresh in a bit. 

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i'm a wife, a mom, a mom-mom, a sister, an aunt, a cousin, a friend...i'm a child of God.... i love to read, scrap, and sew (all when time permits!)... i like trying new things, going to different places, even if only in my mind....i like simple, but life is complicated....i like spring days, snow storms, thunderstorms, and big puffy clouds you can make things out of....i like coffee, tea and iced chocolate milk you can sip thru a straw..........